Showing 76 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Soporte plástico 0 0
Cartoons (Commentary)
  • Pictorial images using wit to comment on such things as contemporary events, social habits, or political trends; usually executed in a broad or abbreviated manner.
1 0
Fotografía de prensa 1 0
Copias fotográficas 1 0
  • Include drawings and photos
0 0
  • Sounds documents.
0 0
  • Bound or loose-leaf sets of pages. Includes handmade albums and published volumes of blank pages designed for the addition of images or keepsakes.
0 0
  • An item printed solely as a means of advertising a product or service, but not an event.
0 0
  • Avisos de una o varias hojas para llamar la atención sobre eventos, actividades, incidentes, bienes o servicios; también, carteles puramente decorativos. Para publicar, generalmente en un lugar público; principalmente pictórico. Destinado a causar una impresión inmediata desde la distancia.
23 0
  • Un registro diario, especialmente un registro personal de eventos, experiencias y observaciones; un diario.
0 0
  • Items printed solely for use as timetables (e.g., train schedules).
0 0
  • Images formed by transfer from one surface or source to another. Usually created with ink(s) and produced in multiple impressions.
0 0
  • Published non-periodical volumes in bound codex form, usually with 49 or more pages.
0 0
Physical Objects
  • Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing.
0 0
  • General or broad views of natural scenery, including inland bodies of water; may also include figures or man-made objects, but these are of secondary importance to the composition. Usually made from an elevated or distant vantage point, such as a view from a hill; not ground level close-up view of, for example, a tree.
0 0
  • Single-sheet notices or announcements pinted on one or both sides, intended to be read unfolded.
0 0
  • Lists of the events, pieces, performers, speakers, etc., of an entertainment, ceremony, or the like.
0 0
  • Cards on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope; often include a pictorial, comic, or other scene on one side.
12 0
  • Graphic representations, especially of the face, of real persons, usually posed, living or dead. Pictures whose purpose is the portrayal of an individual or several people, not pictures that merely include people as part of an event or scene.
52 0
  • Enumerations of items arranged systematically with descriptive details. May have prices.
0 0
Texts 0 0
Soporte digital 0 0
Soporte magnético 0 0
Soporte óptico 0 0
Soporte metal 0 0
Soporte vidrio 0 0
Soporte tela 0 0
Soporte papel 1 0
Images 2705 0
Diapositivas 0 0
Negativos fotográficos 2381 0
Fotografía artística 0 0
Fotografía de arquitectura 0 0
Fotografia de bodegones 0 0
Fotografía de moda 0 0
Fotografía de naturaleza 0 0
Fotografía de obras de arte 0 0
Fotografía de protocolo 0 0
Fotografía de retratos 0 0
Fotografía documental 0 0
Fotografía industrial 0 0
Fotografía publicitaria 0 0
Fotografía social 0 0
Fotografía de creación 0 0
Fotografía de estudio 0 0
Fotografía científico-técnica 0 0
Fotografía aérea 0 0
Especialidad fotográfica (16) 0 0
  • Something that has been transcribed, especially: Music. An adaptation of a composition. A recorded radio or television program. Linguistics. A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.
0 0
Sheet Music
  • Unbound songs and other pieces of music on eight or fewer pages.
0 0
Results 1 to 50 of 76